In 1984, Benjamin Bloom, the notable American educator conducted an experiment where he tried testing different types of learning systems and saw that the traditional classroom setting was one of the least effective ways of disseminating knowledge to students. He quoted,” It makes no sense to expect all students to take the same amount of time to achieve the same objectives.” And he couldn’t have been more right about it!
Squeezing a bunch of students with different perspectives, coming from different backgrounds in the same classroom and expecting them to get the hang of a material at a matching pace is irrational without question. While one may grasp the content immediately, the other may take his time reading up on it. And what’s important here is to remember that the student taking a little bit more time is no less than the one who responded quick on his feet. What we need is a uniquely personalised learning approach to bring forth his force. Now this is where Pahtya comes into picture!
We don’t have tutors with a complete disregard for the doubts of our young folks, make a show of their knowledge and give notes like an old-school classroom model nor do we supply loose modules and bait the student community with gaudy certificates like those popular MOOC programmes. What we are doing here is building a mechanism that can substitute an actual class and give our students the best of both worlds. We at Pashtya aim to transform the impersonal experience of online learning into an emulated equivalent of 1:1 experience with a teacher. The most challenging of topics will be carved into individual atomic units and different students can take as long as they want on each unit. They can access the recorded lectures, modules, and notes from teachers anytime they want to. Moreover, our tutors will always be available to address their problems and assist them with their studies!
We aim to help them through their learning breakdowns and make sure they get their fundamentals right. Our interactive teaching tools and rigorous community of tutors is helping us put our principles in the heart of reality. We have teachers from all around the world expert in their own subjects able to help students and make them grow.
We are rethinking education in an effort to make learning more enjoyable and memorable. Our open student accessibility allows people from all backgrounds and interests to find a course on our website that matches their taste. You can be a doctor and still want to learn a foreign language. You can be a salesman and still want to learn how to write. Dreams know no boundaries!
We’ve opened a cost sustainable open education market to the world that allows you to be yourself while learning so much more about absolutely anything and everything.
The revolution is here, either embrace it or get left behind- The choice is yours!